Monday, May 3, 2010

Cinnamon Butter/Unt aromat cu scortisoara

I made a ton  of it as I'm going to give most of it away. It is very good and very simple to make: butter, brown sugar, confectioner sugar, cream cheese (optional - for richness), and cinnamon of course.That's it! It is very good on toast in the morning or on freshly baked bread!

Acest unt aromat este foarte bun pe paine prajita dimineata sau pe painea   proaspat coapta si abia scoasa din cuptor. Este usor de facut: unt moale la temperatura camerei (nu topit,ci moale), zahar brun, zahar pudra, crema de branza philadelhia (optional) si scortisoara bineinteles!

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