It just crossed my mind to name these cupcakes "Volcano Cupcakes' a few minutes ago when I was looking through the pictures, hours after I baked them and the"cupcake photo shooting" was over. Some of them, with a little imagination, do look like volcanoes! The magma chamber is filled with whipped cream, the lava is the red raspberry sauce...oh, and the cupcakes that don't have raspberry sauce drizzled down their sides...umm, those volcanoes haven't erupted yet :D
Mi-a trecut prin minte sa denumesc aceste cupcakes-uri "Cupcakes Vulcan" acum cateva minute cand m-am uitat prin poze, ore dupa ce le-am copt si am terminat "sedinta foto". Cu putina imaginatie, unele dintre ele seamana cu un magmatica si craterul umplut cu frisca, lava este sosul de zmeura....cupcakes-urile care nu au sos de zmeura pe margni sunt vulcani care nu au erupt inca :D