Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dulce de leche

I love dulce de leche! And it's so easy to make..I think it's way easier to make than the caramel sauce because you don't have to worry about burning the sugar. It just takes much longer, that's all.

This is Alton Brown's recipe. It seems that every Romanian blog or blogger that mentions dulce de leche thinks that the only way to make dulce de leche is by boiling a can of condensed milk in water for a few hours. Yes, that is one way to do it, but it's easier and "healthier" to make dulce de leche from regular milk.

I always have caramel and dulce de leche in my fridge because they are soo good on ice cream.My husband also likes apples and caramel together but I don't really care for that combination.

Ohh, you can see the vanilla seeds.Sooo good!


Liana10 said...


Nely said...

Un deliciu!!!! ce bine arata!!!

Angie said...

Liana,It IS good! :)

Angie said...

Nely, acest "desert" daca il pot numi asa e intr-adevar un mananc cu lingura si nu prea apuc sa-l pun pe inghetata :)